New Jersey


New Jersey woman gets surprise delivery of 50 pounds of marijuana worth $100K

A New Jersey woman expecting a box of hair products she ordered online got a much more surprising delivery last week.

Inside the box was 50 pounds of marijuana.

The homeowner says it wasn't addressed to her and she had no idea who sent it, so she called police. The pot has a street value of up to $100,000.

The police department has posted pictures of the pot on its Facebook page, inviting the person expecting the package to come to police headquarters to claim it.

So far there have been no takers.



Police: If You're Waiting On Packages Filled With Marijuana, Feel Free To Come Pick It Up


e know how annoying it is when a package you’re expecting gets lost in the mail, and so do police in Hazlet, N.J. That’s why they want the public to know that they’ve got boxes filled with around 50 pounds of marijuana that was delivered to the wrong person just waiting for its rightful owner to claim it.


Marijuana Legalization In New Jersey: Pot Group Scheduled To Protest Outside Of Trenton State ...

Marijuana advocates in New Jersey are planning a gathering in front of the statehouse Saturday to demand that marijuana be legalized in the Garden State. The rally, scheduled for 3 p.m., is the third organized in the Trenton so far this year.

Across the state, marijuana advocates have been pushing reforms to local laws and ordinances, building up to the state level, according to The organizers began their push in June when the town of Asbury Park passed a non-binding resolution calling for marijuana decriminalization in the state. Ultimately, they want that pressure to push Gov. Chris Christie to sign a bill legalizing pot.


New Jersey Issues Permit To State’s Fifth Medical Marijuana Facility

CRANBURY, N.J., (CBS) — The New Jersey Department of Healthannounced on Wednesday that the fifth facility allowed to dispense medical marijuana in the state has received a permit.

The permit was issued to Breakwater Treatment and Wellness in Cranbury, Middlesex County and allows the facility to operate as an Alternative Treatment Center (ATC).


NJWeedman’s Passing the Joint: Do #blacklivesmatter in the Marijuana Legalization Movement?

I’m black, so obviously I support this concept that my life matters too. I also grew up in the suburbs of South Jersey, in a two-parent middle class home, believing that I was equal to my suburban white counterparts. I never thought I’d go to prison, especially not for marijuana.

I officially entered the marijuana legalization movement on November 24, 1997. On that morning I was arrested in Bellmawr, NJ, by the Camden County drug task force for possession of marijuana with intent to distribute when a 40-pound package was delivered by Fed-Ex. Many activists start their activism in handcuffs; I was no different — my activism started in earnest after I was arrested. That cold steel around your wrists for marijuana makes people want to change sh*t.


N.J.'s newest medicinal marijuana dispensary offers patients another option

BELLMAWR — Before Monday, Megan Asman used to have to take a whole day to get down to Egg Harbor in order to get medicinal marijuana.

"I'd have to find a baby sitter. It would take an hour to get there," She said. "You go in, wait around, and then it's another hour home. ... It wasn't working for me."

The 31-year-old Cherry Hill resident has been part of the state's medicinal marijuana program for about a year, and for about a year she had to make time for that long day.

However, Asman's trek turned into more of a quick errand Monday, which was the opening day for Compassionate Sciences Alternative Treatment Center, the first medical marijuana dispensary on the western side of South Jersey.


Qualifying Conditions For Cannabis By State


Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Alaska include:

  • Cancer
  • Glaucoma
  • Cachexia (wasting syndrome)
  • Nausea
  • Muscle spasms
  • Multiple sclerosis
  • Pain
  • Seizures

For a complete list of qualifying conditions and guidelines, please refer to Alaska’s application for medical marijuana registry



Qualifying conditions to become a medical marijuana patient in Arizona include:


As legal marijuana businesses grow, government should wise up and start collecting green

More than 80 years ago, it became clear to even the most ardent supporters of Prohibition that their bold experiment wasn't working. The most practical among them recognized that the "public good" would be better served by legalizing and regulating alcohol than by an outright ban. After all, the ban had led to the rise of organized crime, deadly black market and bootleg product, and disrespect for the rule of law and for those charged with enforcement of the Volstead Act.


Workers prepare for opening of medical marijuana dispensary

BELLMAWR, N.J. (AP) - Workers are weighing and stuffing cannabis in bags as part of the final preparations before southern New Jersey’s newest medical marijuana dispensary opens its doors Monday.

More than 100 patients have selected Compassionate Sciences Alternative Treatment Center ahead of the Bellmawr facility’s opening next week.

The dispensary is prepared to serve 1,800 patients purchasing an ounce, general manager Michael Nelson said. Eventually, patients will be able to choose from two dozen medical marijuana strains.


New Jersey to get fourth medical marijuana dispensary

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) - The state Department of Health has given the green light to an alternative treatment center that will become New Jersey’s fourth medical marijuana dispensary when it opens in October.

Health department officials issued the permit after a final inspection was conducted at Compassionate Sciences Inc. in Bellmawr. The approval was announced Monday. reports Compassionate Sciences Inc. has 5,550 registered patients and caregivers. A caregiver is permitted by the state to buy medical marijuana on behalf of patients who are unable to travel.

The southern New Jersey facility was permitted to begin growing marijuana in June.

Former Gov. Jon Corzine signed New Jersey’s medical marijuana legislation in 2010.


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