Cannabis Technology News


Delta 8 Is Getting A Lot Of Attention - Not All Of It Is Good

If you feel like you’ve been catching a lot of Delta-8 THC content in the media lately, those aren’t just your social media apps hacking your brain. Hemp-derived Delta-8 THC is having a big moment in 2021 in terms of popularity and, most recently, in terms of concerns over legality, safety, and accuracy. This hot new cannabinoid has been branded as “legal marijuana” as the main intoxicating compound in cannabis but one most commonly derived from hemp for commercial use. Social listening data reveals that conversations around Delta-8 grew by a whopping 163% from December 2020 to April 2021, but all is not rosy for this latest trend in cannabis or for companies jumping into production to respond to the surging interest.


How technology can change the face of the cannabis industry

It takes the average laptop computer about a billionth of a second to add two numbers together. That’s far less time than it takes to blink your eyes or to take a sip of coffee. In fact, it’s fair to say that there are few activities that computers can’t do faster than people. Unfortunately, machines can only do as much as they are asked to.

Machines are faster than ever, but it can take humans years to realize that a particular question needs to be asked in the first place — this is the central paradox of computing today.


Which Cannabinoids Do You Need to Know by Name?

How well do you know your cannabinoids?

Most people are familiar with the two main cannabinoids – THC and CBD. However, cannabis is a complex plant with complex chemistry. As we continue to research these compounds, we begin to uncover the very nature of the experience we obtain from ingesting the plant.

In today’s article – we’ll be taking a “look under the hood” to see what these cannabinoids are all about. In the near future, the classifications of “sativa” and “indica” will begin to lose importance when selecting your perfect strain.


What It’s Like To Get High On Delta-8 THC Compared To Regular THC

If you don’t have access to THC or prefer not to have such a “head trip” while getting high, then delta-8 is a great solution for you.


Why Is Growing Pot So Energy-Intensive?

In his 2022 budget proposal, President Joe Biden included a rider first introduced by Republican Maryland Rep. Andy Harris that would block D.C.’s ability to legalize and tax recreational marijuana, even after the city’s residents voted to legalize possession back in 2014. While the budget provision is plainly at odds with Biden’s support of D.C.


CBD and the Vending Industry: A Match Made in Heaven?

Imagine this: you go to an airport or train station. You are walking past rows of vending machines full of snacks and healthy prepared meals – then you stumble upon a smart vending machine full of CBD products. This is the future. This is now.


What Is Delta-8-THC?

Most of us are old enough to remember the days when – if you wanted to get high – you had to “know a guy.” Or, at the very least, you had to “know a guy who knows a guy.”

Things have certainly changed since then.


Misconceptions About CBD Explained – For One, It’s Psychoactive!

CBD has been the motor powering the cannabis legalization movement. As the part of the plant deemed ‘non-psychoactive’, CBD has gotten a pass that the rest of the plant has not. And this is great! But it’s also led to some rather intense confusion, and longstanding misconceptions.

Are you a delta-8 user? You know, the alternate form of THC that leaves users energetic and clear-headed, without the anxiety produced by delta-9 THC, the standard THC associated with cannabis? Good choice, if you are. Not only are you experiencing THC in a different way, but you’re at the forefront of cannabis technology. We’re here to make sure you’ve got what you need, with a range of Delta-8 THC deals to keep your shelves stocked


Testing People For Marijuana Impairment By Measuring THC Levels Is Unreliable

A new study indicates that THC levels are not accurate representations of whether someone is impaired or not.

A new study suggests that the amount of THC in someone’s system is not an accurate predictor of impairment.

The study, done with the support of the National Institute of Justice, involved 20 participants. They were asked to consume cannabis through edibles or vapes, all with different degrees of THC. Afterward, participants were tested with common field sobriety tests and asked to complete cognitive tasks.


Delta-8-THC: Is It Really That Different From Delta-9?

So you’ve finished work, and you’re really, really thirsty.
You walk into a nearby bar and ask if they have any imported beer.
“Sure,” the bartender says. “We have Heineken and Dos Equis.”
A Heineken sounds like it would really hit the spot. “Great,” you say. “Let me have a Heineken.”

The bartender disappears for a minute, plops a glass on the bar, and pours your beer from an open green bottle.  You take a long, deep swig, and…….wait!

“That’s not Heineken,” you say.
“Sure it is!” says the bartender. “It’s brand new! Heineken 0.0…alcohol-free!”
“Arrrrrgh,” you say.

There’s nothing wrong with alcohol-free beer. In fact, it can be the right choice if you have to drive home. But it’s best to know in advance what you’re getting.


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