

Nearly 3 in 4 Utah Voters Support Medical Marijuana, Survey Finds

Utah’s neighbors to the west, south, and east all have legal, regulated cannabis markets for both medical and adult use. Now a new poll suggests that Utah voters want to legal medical marijuana in their state, too.

The Utah Patients Coalition survey, published Monday, found that of 402 Utah voters polled, 73% support a medical cannabis ballot initiative. Only about 20% were opposed, and 7% remain undecided.

Voters from nearly all demographic groups expressed support for medical marijuana, the survey found, included 64% of Republican voters and 63% of active voters who are members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.


Advocates respond after Utah sheriff's office calls medical marijuana a 'sham'

The Weber County Sheriff's Office is drawing some backlash for its thoughts on medicinal marijuana.

In a statement issued to the Utah Sheriff's Association Friday, the Department quoted the Utah Narcotics Officers Association saying:

“So called medical marijuana in other states has become a farce and a sham. The average user of smoked medical marijuana has no chronic illness and is a white male in his mid-30s with a history of drug and alcohol abuse."

The statement caught many supporters of medicinal marijuana off-guard.


Recreational marijuana sales considered in Utah-Nevada border towns

The neon lights of the casinos beckon you across the border for a little weekend fun.

Located right on the state line, this town of about 5,000 balloons to about 20,000 on weekends. People, mostly from Utah, arrive to drink, gamble or take in a concert. Now, city leaders are looking at another potential income source: marijuana.

"I have reservations, but I think it would be a good asset to the city for number one, revenue, and, for those that need it, medical marijuana," West Wendover City Councilman Jerry Anderson told FOX 13.


Teen Denied New Lungs Due to Marijuana Traces Found in System Dies After Transplant Surgery

A teenager denied new lungs because he had traces of marijuana in his system has died after transplant surgery.

Riley Hancey, 19, was diagnosed with a rare lung infection after both collapsed which he suffered after complaining of the flu.

The shock diagnosis stunned his parents and three siblings who described him as a "healthy teen" who enjoyed winter and summer sports.

Riley was working in Utah, USA, for his brother and at a ski resort when he was struck down with the infection.

He was admitted to the University of Utah Hospital and placed on the transplant list but was denied surgery there after tests showed traces of marijuana in his system.


Hospitals Deny Patients Organ Transplants for Smoking Weed

While the tension between state and federal laws has created a difficult situation for cannabis users, there’s another factor that is complicating the changing attitude towards weed: hospitals. Though it isn’t legally mandated, many hospitals won’t allow people who use weed to be placed on organ transplant waiting lists.


States Push Marijuana Legalization Bills Despite Opposition from the Federal Government

Lawmakers in about two dozen states have proposed bills this year to ease their marijuana laws despite Attorney General Jeff Sessions' warning that he could crack down on pot, a major change from the Obama administration, which essentially turned a blind eye to the state legislation.

Bills have been introduced in 17 states this year to make recreational pot legal for adults, while five others are considering voter referendums on the issue. Sixteen states have introduced medical marijuana legislation, 10 are considering decriminalizing the drug and three are considering easing their penalties. An effort in Wyoming to decriminalize the drug failed this session.


Utah group starts medical marijuana ballot initiative push

Medical marijuana advocates in Utah are planning to try to get an initiative on the November 2018 ballot that would allow the drug to be used for treatment.

Advocates say they're done waiting for state lawmakers, who have rejected passing a broad medical pot law during the last three consecutive sessions. Medical marijuana advocate Christine Stenquist says the legislature's decisions over the last few years have made it clear that lawmakers have no desire to move forward with legalizing the drug, so they're going to do it themselves.

Here are things to know about the ballot initiative and the work over the last few years in Utah to get medical marijuana legalized:



These Are the 10 Best and Worst States for Medical Cannabis

Americans for Safe Access (ASA), the medical cannabis patient advocacy group, recently released its annual report assigning letter grades to states based on the proficiency of their medical cannabis programs. The good news: 39 states improved their medical cannabis laws last year. The bad news: Six states have yet to legalize any form of medical cannabis, including CBD products, and many others still struggle with restrictive laws, limited access or daunting prices.


Utah Lawmakers Are Planning for Exactly How They Would Legalize Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana is not legal in Utah, and may not be anytime soon. But lawmakers took a first step Monday to outline how it would be cultivated, produced and sold if it ever is made legal here.

The Senate Health and Human Services voted 5-0 to approve SB211, and sent it to the full Senate.

"This is a road map leading to medical marijuana," said Sen. Jim Dabakis, D-Salt Lake City. "We are getting it set up, getting it ready. And all we have to do then is have a quick vote — and we'll have the legal structure" to accommodate prescription pot.


Cannabis Legislation 2017: We’re Tracking All Legalization Bills

Most state legislatures reconvene in early January, and by February they’re in full swing, moving some bills forward and killing others in committee. This year 27 state legislatures are considering bills pertaining to cannabis in some form. (Well, okay: 26. Mississippi had two medical marijuana bills, but they’re already dead.) Some states are pushing full adult-use legalization. Others are pulling back on medical legalization measures adopted by voters last November. We’ll keep tracking them as they live and die. Most state legislatures adjourn by early June. Stay tuned.


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