North America


How does marijuana affect my sleep and dreams?

The first part of an old stoner tale goes something like this: At a certain point, after habitually using marijuana so many consecutive days, you lose the ability to dream. Your head hits the pillow, and your mind becomes a blank canvas until you rise the next morning.

The second part, meanwhile, regards what happens should you stop smoking weed. Instead of another night of silky blackness, your sleep will roar with vivid color, indescribable scenarios, and intense eruptions of dreamscape. It will be like all the dreams you didn’t have while smoking come rushing back all at once in operatic phantasms.


12 Celebrities Who Have Jumped Into The CBD Industry

Celebrities are just like us. They brush their teeth each morning and before they go to sleep. They put their pants on one leg at a time. They are interested in this whole CBD and cannabis space, too, wondering what the effects are from the variety of products on the market -- as well as the return on investment from being part of a CBD brand.

When it comes to the CBD craze, many celebrities aren't just using the products, but they're putting their money where their interest is, becoming investors, spokespeople and advocates for an industry that's ripe for the taking. Many of us may not be able to do that, but celebs can be a different breed when it comes to these types of opportunities.


Science: Cannabis Does Not Make You Lazy After All

This goes against the theory that cannabis use reduces dopamine production resulting in lower motivation and, ultimately, inability to achieve life goals. 


Cannabis and the gut: What you should know

It seems in today’s health news, everything comes back to the gut. What we eat and the enzymes our body produces to break down our food play an important role in an individual’s health.

From probiotics to diets specifically for health issues, more attention is being paid to the stomach (and its contents) than ever before. And CBD is starting to get attention for its benefits in gut health.


Marijuana Stocks Make a Come Back For The Holidays

The marijuana stock market has definitely seen better days than that of the past few months. At that time, we have seen the industry shift to allow companies to reach closer toward their full potential. With so much going for pot stocks, it seems as though the industry is on the up and up. Right now, we are fighting the high levels of volatility that have swamped the industry for quite some time.


2 Marijuana Stocks To Watch Before December

With the holidays on their way, it seems as though some marijuana stocks have been able to give their gifts a little earlier than planned. A high level of volatility has contributed to the overall current state that we are in with pot stocks. With so many to choose from, finding the right one can often be a difficult task. This, however, becomes much easier with a larger amount of research.


More evidence seems to point to marijuana as an effective pain-reliever

Researchers at Washington State University offered new support this week for claims that cannabis is an effective pain-reliever in a study that used data from the medical marijuana analytics app Strainprint.

The study published in the Journal of Pain found that smoking marijuana can reduce the severity of headaches and migraines by nearly 50% based on real-time data provided by the innovative app.

Strainprint, founded by medical marijuana patient Stephanie Karasick in 2016, collects anonymous patient-reported data on different strains they use to treat their conditions and tracks their results.


Why Indica, Sativa, and Hybrid Classifications Mean Close to Nothing

While poking around your local dispensary, it’s almost guaranteed that you will speak or hear the terms “indica,” “sativa,” or “hybrid,” at least once. These three terms remain, by far, the most common for describing the attributes and effects of cannabis flower — and even products like edibles and vapes lay claim to the categories, writes Danielle Simone Brand


Are These Marijuana Stocks On Your Morning Watch List?

As we inch closer toward winter, some marijuana stocks have begun to make a bigger name for themselves than others. These companies are working to build out the most innovation that they can for the future of the industry. With so much potential ahead of them, it can be difficult at times to decide which pot stocks are worth watching. This, however, becomes much easier with a heightened amount of research.


Despite Documented Munchies, Cannabis Users Are Thinner Than Non-Users

If you enjoy smoking cannabis, you’re likely aware of the munchies – which is the powerful urge to eat after a smoke sesh. However, what may come as a shock to many is that even smokers who get the munchies regularly are thinner than their counterparts who don’t use cannabis.

The link between cannabis and weight/appetite is not a recent development by any means, with research dating back to 1988 coming from John Hopkins University. The late 80s study found that subjects who smoke cannabis regularly also ate an average of 40% more calories than the non-smoking control group.


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