Medical Cannabis News


Clinical Trial Suggests Cannabinoids Effective at Treating Insomnia

Insomnia is a major problem across the globe.

In fact, it is estimated that as many as 60% of people on earth suffer from a sleeping disorder.

The lack of sufficient sleep can be caused by many factors. Insomnia comes in two forms. 

The first is “primary insomnia in which the sleep disorder is not related to another condition.

Secondary insomnia occurs when a person’s inability to sleep is due to one or more other conditions such as asthma, heartburn, or cancer.


Should Your Cat or Dog Use Medical Marijuana?

The industry for medical cannabis for pets is magically blossoming. The number of dogs and/or cats parents looking into the use of cannabis for their pets is growing each day.

Each day, at least one parent walks into a dispensary to enquire about the perfect CBD products for their pets, while a significant number of these parents are actively researching the testing policies, right ingredients, and consumer stories related to the use of medical cannabis for dogs and cats.


Seven in 10 gynecologic cancer patients report medical cannabis helped ease their symptoms

A small U.S. study involving 45 gynecologic cancer patients prescribed medical marijuana (MM) for symptom management found 71 per cent self-reported improvement in at least one symptom.

Investigators considered patients prescribed MM from May 2016 to February 2019 and reviewed the formulation prescribed, usage patterns, length of use, symptom relief and side effects. Patients were given MM for less than a month to 25.4 months, notes the study published on June 24 in Gynecologic Oncology Report.


Does CBD Help With Degenerative Disc Disease?

Degenerative disc disease is a general term used to describe a range of spinal conditions. It comes with both physical and psychological factors.

There are several spinal conditions, and thanks to the evolving medical systems around the world, medical marijuana has been incorporated into the recommended drugs for these conditions in some countries.

Research shows that cannabinoids might play a vital role in treating the mental stress and physical injuries that come along with degenerative disc conditions.


Survey Finds Short Term Medical Cannabis Use Beneficial

A small Canadian survey has found the majority of participants experienced benefits from medical cannabis for certain conditions after 6 weeks of use.

Carried out by University of British Columbia researchers, the survey involved 214 mainly male patients; with the majority over 50 years of age. Among these patients, the most frequently reported conditions were:

  • recurring pain
  • PTSD
  • anxiety
  • sleep disorders
  • arthritis and other rheumatic conditions.

Overall, 60% of the medical cannabis cohort reported improvements in their conditions.


People with Fibromyalgia Are Substituting CBD for Opioids to Manage Pain

As the ravages of the opioid epidemic lead many to avoid these powerful painkillers, a significant number of people with fibromyalgia are finding an effective replacement in CBD-containing products, finds a new Michigan Medicine study

CBD, short for cannabidiol, is the second most common cannabinoid in the cannabis plant, and has been marketed for everything from mood stabilization to pain relief, without the intoxicating effects produced by the most common cannabinoid, THC. THC, which stands for delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol, is the ingredient in marijuana that causes people to feel high.


Cannabis Use Associated With Increased Decision Making Skills

Cannabis opponents have a long history of trying to convince members of the public that cannabis is bad for human brains.

According to many cannabis prohibitionists cannabis is bad for human brains no matter what age they start consuming cannabis or what type of cannabis they consume.

The “dangers” of cannabis for human brains are not isolated to certain consumption methods or any other factor according to these types of cannabis opponents.

Their message seems to be that all cannabis is bad for the brain at all times in all situations. Unfortunately for those prohibitionists, science does not appear to back up their claims.


Amazon is dropping tests for marijuana – will corporate America follow?

Amazon certainly isn’t the first major corporation to arrive at the cannabis reform party, but it sure made one of the biggest entrances to-date when it publicly pledged to relax its drug testing policies and also to back federal legalization efforts.

And now it’s a question of how many others will follow — especially during a time when some firms are desperate for workers.


Researchers not yet ready to say whether or not cannabis affects brain development in young people with ADHD

U.S. researchers say there’s simply not enough information available yet to determine if using cannabis does or does not influence brain development or functioning in adolescents and young people with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

That conclusion is part of a detailed new review published last week in the July/August issue of Harvard Review of Psychiatry.

“[T]he evidence to date does not clearly support either an addictive effect or an interaction — whether protective or harmful — with cannabis use,” write Dr. Philip Cawkwell of the Stanford University School of Medicine and his study colleagues.


Go to sleep: Study shows medicinal weed helped chronic insomniacs get some shut-eye

Insomniacs who received nightly sublingual administration of a cannabinoid extract managed to get more and better sleep, suggests a new Australian study.

Investigators found that the extract was “well-tolerated and improves insomnia symptoms and sleep quality in individuals with chronic insomnia symptoms,” notes a study abstract, published online this month in Sleep.

Participants included those who had been experiencing chronic insomnia symptoms for at least three months. They received either the extract or a placebo over a two-week period.


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