Canada: Cannabis Billboards in Saskatoon 'Poking the Bear'

With just one word — Erbachay — is raising a lot of eyebrows around Saskatchewan.

The ads, displayed in Regina and Saskatoon, show a green leaf with the word “Erbachay” and “Canada Wide Delivery.”

The company behind the signs are a Vancouver-based medical marijuana dispensary that sells and delivers weed.

“By putting these billboards up, we’re trying to help that process. Make it a little more normalized, make it more accessible,” Erbachay Health Centers president Darcy Delainey said.

Erbachay isn’t a licensed producer for cannabis with Health Canada but within Vancouver city limits, Delainey said he can sell medical marijuana.

The billboards are a way to educate the public and hopefully destigmatize weed, he said.

“If people want to come and investigate, they should. They should come and learn as much as they can,” Delainey said.

What we’re trying to do is initiate that conversation. We exist. Cannabis is coming

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