How marijuana legalization will change the pot industry

Legalized weed looks like a cash cow, and just like any other billion-dollar industry, it will be heavily regulated

In one episode of HBO's hit show The Wire, Stringer Bell, the brutal head of a Baltimore heroin cartel, demands that his meetings about the day-to-day operations of the "game" be run in strict compliance with Robert's Rules of Order: the street-corner pushers have to be recognized by the chair before speaking. Though the scene seemed outlandish, perhaps it was ahead of its time.

Recently, the federal government announced at the United Nations that it would be tabling legislation in spring 2017 to legalize the recreational use of marijuana. Legalization will drastically change the landscape. Smaller dealers will be put out of business by dispensaries both big (Shoppers Drug Mart and the LCBO may one day sell marijuana) and small (farmers' markets could offer "artisanal" pot).

With legalization, the...

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