Bermuda: Cannabis policy input pleasing

The Director of Public Prosecution’s call for public input on a caution policy covering simple possession of cannabis has elicited a “pleasing” range of responses thus far.

However, Larry Mussenden told The Royal Gazette he did not see the move as “crowdsourcing — or a vote, either”, on a legal shift with profound implication for police as well as the public.

“We have to strike a balance. A caution policy has to be understood by the public, young and old,” he said. “The Commissioner of Police and his officers must be able to administer it efficiently and effectively.”

The DPP’s decision to solicit views for a fresh look at police cautions, as a possible alternative to convictions, was announced on May 19, and it continues until June 10.

Bermuda’s move away from a court proceeding for simple possession, which the DPP said was in keeping with global trends, has been long coming....

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