New Zealand


NZ’s Rua Bioscience Good To Go For GMP

marijuana plant

Another Kiwi medical cannabis company has been awarded GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) certification.

Following Helius Therapeutics in early August, Rua Bioscience has also received GMP certification from Medsafe, the New Zealand Medicines and Medical Devices Safety Authority; which is run by the country’s Ministry of Health.

Rua Biosciences emerged from Hikurangi Enterprises, the first company to secure a license to cultivate medicinal cannabis plants in New Zealand.


How Canada’s legalization is shaping cannabis laws elsewhere

Ever since Canada became the first major country to legalize marijuana for adults a year ago, other nations have been paying attention.

The small South American nation of Uruguay was the first to legalize marijuana for adults. New Zealand, Luxembourg and Mexico are among those that have looked to Canada for guidance or lessons, while Russia has chastised it for its “barefaced” flouting of international anti-drug treaties.

Here’s a look at how Canada’s experiment is playing out internationally and where the next attempts at legalization are coming:


What would happen if New Zealand legalised cannabis?

Peter Dunne, the bespectacled politician in the bow-tie, was the unlikely hero of drug reform.

In May, the Associate Health Minister ventured that "some, if not all" class C drugs should be reclassified and regulated.

Outraged cries of "Minister for Stoners" were conspicuous by their absence.


New Zealand: Cannabis Reaches New High at GP Conference

Cannabis campaigners say the medicinal benefits of the drug are many - and that's why they came to a conference for GPs in Rotorua.

Tadhg Stopford, a legalise cannabis campaigner, spoke at length with doctors from across the North Island on the subject.

"People who suffer from chronic conditions, rely on hippies and other sick people to risk their freedom, growing cannabis, to make compounds for people to heal themselves - I don't think this is acceptable."

Other prominent researchers, Dr Ben Jansen and Dr Graham Gulbransen, gave talks on the subject to doctors and specialists.

Mr Stopford says it's time for the truth around the medical benefits of raw dietary cannabis to come out.


Kiwis will now be able to get medicinal cannabis from their doctor, Government announces

A mother who's fought tirelessly to have restrictions removed around medicinal cannabis following the death of her son says today's a day to celebrate, but there's still work to do. 

The Government has removed restrictions on medicinal cannabis meaning Kiwis will now be able to get it from their doctor. 

Rose Renton's son Alex brought the issue into the headlines in 2015, when he died after falling into a "status epilepticus", a type of prolonged seizure. 


Expert Calls for New Zealand Government to Stop 'Lying' About Cannabis

The New Zealand government should stop "lying" to its people over medicinal cannabis, a visiting doctor says.

United States physician Dr David Bearman, who specialises in medicinal cannabis effects and pain relief, said Associate Health Minister Peter Dunne needed some remedial education on cannabis.

"And he needs to stop talking out of both sides of his mouth. I  don't see how on the one hand, he can say there's no evidence that cannabis is medicine and then on the other hand approve Sativex, which is tincture of cannabis — it's liquid cannabis." 


Canadian Weed Producers Will Dominate the Global Marijuana Market

“First-mover advantage.” Why Canadian weed producers will dominate the global marijuana market.

In marketing strategy, there’s a term called “first-mover advantage”. It’s when a few key players in a particular industry gain an advantage because they entered into the marketplace first. These companies are able to establish strong brand recognition, shore up the best sources of funding, and build a loyal customer base simply because there aren’t any competitors in the way during their first few years of operation. 


Marijuana laws changing around the world

It's an issue that divides society - to smoke or not to smoke.

Throughout the world, a number of countries are slowing changing their laws around medicinal and recreational cannabis use. New Zealand's laws have stayed relatively the same for some time, with the exception of cannabis based products now being approved for use, but still tightly controlled.

So, which countries are leading the way in this area, and where can you use it either for fun, or for well-being?

Here in New Zealand, cannabis remains illegal to possess, and illegal to grow.

Medicinal use is tightly controlled but can be granted by the Ministry of Health.

Across the ditch it's a similar story.


Government urged to take compassionate approach to marijuana legislation

The Government needs a compassionate approach to marijuana legislation.  This was the general message at JDAY today in Whangarei, with those suffering a range of illnesses turning out to call for easier access to medicinal marijuana.

Patrick Tahitahi has suffered with a spinal injury for many years.

"When I started to go green and came off all my meds, well lucky if I've been in hospital at all now.  All my issues seem to have cleared up a lot easier."

Type 2 Bi-Polar sufferer Gwenn Gillgren has a similar experience, "The only thing that I've ever found to work instantly and without side effects is cannabis.  I've been given medication by the doctor that drove me so insane."


Medical Marijuana - Life in the Waiting Room - NZ

Sometimes when Cara* is waiting for her carer to return from the tinny house, her mind begins to wander.

What's happened to them? Why are they taking longer then usual? Are they banged up, frightened, at the local cop shop?

She worries that this time their luck has run out, as they delve inexpertly into the world of drugs and gangs to get her medicine: cannabis.

Cara suffers from the autoimmune disease lupus and complications from a stroke.

She gets around in an electric wheelchair, which she manoeuvres with her shaky, twisted and swollen hands. The cannabis, which she takes as a capsule of oil or baked into cookies, steadies them and her nerves and frees her from pain.


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