Bill to legalize recreational marijuana introduced in West Virginia

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A bill to legalize marijuana for recreational use has been introduced to the West Virginia House of Delegates.  House Bill 3035 was submitted on Tuesday, March 14, 2017, by Delegate Sean Hornbuckle of Cabell County.  The opening text of the bill reads as follows:

“In the interest of allowing law enforcement to focus on violent and property crimes, generating revenue for education and other public purposes and individual freedom, the Legislature of the State of West Virginia finds that the use of marijuana should be legal…”

The bill would regulate and tax marijuana in the same way as alcohol.  Among other things, that mean people would have to 21 to buy the drug and that if a person is caught driving after using marijuana, they could be charged with a DUI. It would also regulate hemp separately from strains of Cannabis with higher THC concentrations.

The bill is in the House Health and Human Resources Committee.  It would then need to go to the House Judiciary Committee before going to the floor.

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