Iceland Face­book drug-deal­ing ar­rests

Reyk­javik Met­ro­pol­i­tan Po­lice have in re­cent weeks have made up to 20 ar­rests and seized con­sid­er­able quan­ti­ties of drugs in op­er­a­tions to com­bat drug-deal­ing on so­cial me­dia. Searches of var­i­ous res­i­dences found co­caine, LSD, am­phet­a­mines and cannabis. The money also found is be­lieved to be the pro­ceeds of drug-deal­ing. Those ar­rested are mostly men in their twen­ties, with one women among the group.

The po­lice be­lieve drug-deal­ing on so­cial me­dia to be wide­spread and are con­tin­u­ing their op­er­a­tions. Sev­eral Face­book pages, for in­stance, of­fer­ing drugs for sale have been shut down.

The drugs helpline in Ice­land, run jointly by po­lice and cus­toms au­thor­i­ties, is 800 5005. Callers can ring this num­ber and give anony­mous in­for­ma­tion on drugs mat­ters. In­for­ma­tion can also be sent in a pri­vate mes­sage on the po­lice’s Face­book page.

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