Cannabis Technology News


Refreshing the Feel of Cannabis

Dane Pieri: Marvina


Greenhouse Marijuana: British Columbia’s Next Great Industry

One of the greatest social shifts of the decade is underway, tilting towards a normalized future for the consumption and production of cannabis. The legalization of this historically contentious plant is now supported by 66% of Canadian voters. 35 American states have legislated some form of decriminalization, medicalization, or regulated sale.


Fresh Investor in a Thriving Cannabis Industry

Investor Insight: Brian Sheng, New York, NY

If you’re kid in class getting all the A’s, you quickly realize you have something to offer to those who aren’t. This is where entrepreneurship began for Brian Sheng of Fresh VC. From there, he experimented with an array of businesses and eventually came to find his strengths being utilized best in the art of venture capitalism! He has an eye for success and now dedicates his time to finding that in the growing companies of the cannabis industry. You won’t find one generic answer in our interview with him, he’s here to give it to us straight.

How did your entrepreneurial journey begin?


Chameleon Plasma Grow Lighting: Growing Stronger Medicine for 22% Less Electricity

Chris Pieser: Chameleon Grow Systems

Entrepreneurs are a unique breed of people; they have a vision and they dedicate their careers to chasing it and making it happen. But then there are entrepreneurs like Chris Pieser, founder of Chameleon Plasma Grow Lighting, who take that dedication to another level. His vision extends past a simple business model and dives deep into the question, How do we make stronger medicine? It’s minds like Chris’ that are really making that ripple effect we are beginning to see vibrate across the country. It’s people like him who you better watch out for!


Breaking Ground with Inda-Gro

There are a million different ways we could begin to tell you why we are so intrigued and, ultimately, captivated by what is going on over at Inda-Gro, but let’s start with a question, plain and simple: What makes Inda-Gro the #1 manufacturer of induction grow lights in the world? What technology are they harnessing to surpass their competition? How are they proving in-house that their products not only work, but exceed expectations for plant yield and growth? Well, we thought it best to grab a bit of first-hand insight ourselves, so we headed over to their San Diego facility to discover what makes Inda-Gro products some of the best of the best!


Insights with Cannabis Investor Douglas Leighton of Dutchess Capital

Investor Insight: Douglas Leighton, Boston, MA

Being in the business of the cannabis industry is a multi-dimensional experience. There are many different players involved, there are countless variables, and it’s a business that is not for the weak-willed or faint-of-drive. We, at Cashinbis, are dedicated to providing you unparalleled insight into this captivating industry and giving you the story behind every face. And as we are sure you already know, there are always two sides to every story; this one is no different. You’ve met the entrepreneurs and their innovations, now it’s time you meet the people who are taking those innovations to the top: The Investors.

Venture Investing in Cannabis Technology Companies

Investor Insight: Shri Ganeshram, San Francisco, CA

Being in the business of the cannabis industry is a multi-dimensional experience. There are many different players involved, there are countless variables, and it’s a business that is not for the weak-willed or faint-of-drive. We, at Cashinbis, are dedicated to providing you unparalleled insight into this captivating industry and giving you the story behind every face. And as we are sure you already know, there are always two sides to every story; this one is no different. You’ve met the entrepreneurs and their innovations, now it’s time you meet the people who are taking those innovations to the top: The Investors.

The Chamber of Commerce for the Cannabis Industry

David Rheins: MJBA

The business world is no stranger to him – He’s been the face of countless empires, namely Rolling Stone, AOL, SPIN magazine, and Time Warner to name a few. He’s plowed his way through the weave of the corporate world, but where will we find him now? Look no further than the evolving cannabis industry. When an entrepreneur like David Rheins, founder of MJBA, is focusing his efforts on our industry, we know we’re on the right track.

What was the deciding factor for you to join this particular industry?


The Brilliant Mind Behind the Indica Vaporizer

Michael Freelander: Indica LLC

When you’re flying thousands of feet above ground on a flight to Hong Kong and you suddenly come across an article that makes where you’re going and what you’re doing no longer relevant… What do you do? Take it from Michael Freelander of Indica LLC — You pivot. And you pivot fast! When you have that stroke of insight about what you should be doing, why waste any time? Michael certainly didn’t and got straight to work on building the most gorgeously-designed vaporizer we’ve ever seen, among doing a million other things of course (Because that’s just what brilliant men like Michael do).


The 1st Electronic Cannabis Marketplace

Steve Janjic MD: Amercanex Corporation

He was formally a director at Tullett Prebon, one of the world’s largest institutional brokerage firms, along with being in similar roles at both Morgan Stanley and GFI Securities. He’s articulate, driven, and conducts himself with the utmost integrity which led him to find his niche in the cannabis industry. Steve Janjic is the CEO of Amercanex, the transparent, non-manipulated, electronic marketplace for business members of the industry. He is building something that is changing the marketplace for the best and he’s here to give us a little insight on how he intends to do just that.


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