Gatineau’s Hydropothecary growing to meet medical marijuana demand

The faded sign off a West Quebec road still points to an old garden centre.

But the greenhouses at the end of the peninsula in the Masson-Angers neighbourhood of Gatineau no longer grows the types of plants your average gardener buys in spring.

The former Botanix-Aux Jardins de La Pointe now houses the Hydropothecary, a small-but-growing medical marijuana production plant. It’s the first of its kind in Quebec.


``We get at least two or three cars showing up a day, saying, where do we get our flowers?” said Adam Miron, who co-founded the company with his brother-in-law Sébastien St-Louis.


The Botanix’s former owner, Louis Gagnon, still lives in the red brick house on the 80-acre site. He’s now a partner and the master grower with the Hydropothecary.

With a team of 15 employees, they finished their first harvest last fall after receiving a Health Canada license to...

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