Interview with Paul Birch: chairman of Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol

Paul Birch, the co-founder of Bebo and chairman of the recently established single-issue political party Cannabis is Safer than Alcohol (CISTA), was in Glasgow on Tuesday to launch his party’s campaign in Scotland, ahead of the General Election in May. CISTA campaigns for the reform of laws which prohibit the sale and possession of cannabis in the UK. After meeting CISTA candidates standing in Scottish constituencies, he spoke to the Glasgow Guardian.

Guardian: To have launched a single-issue party, you must be passionate about that issue, in this case, legalising cannabis. How did that come about?

Birch: Well, just from personal experience around consuming alcohol and cannabis. My observation was alcohol feels like it might not be that safe. So then I googled it a few years ago and I was like, “It’s not just me. Wow! It’s much more extreme than I thought it was. It’s like a hundred, several hundred...

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