Third effort to get marijuana on Maine ballot is underway

South Portland's police chief is calling for more oversight of the medical marijuana industry in Maine.(Photo: NEWS CENTER)

PORTLAND, Maine (AP) -- A third effort is afoot to get marijuana legalization on Maine's ballot.

Democratic state Rep. Mark Dion of Portland says he is talking to other legislators about co-sponsoring his bill. The bill proposes to ask residents about creation, regulation and taxation of a structure for recreational use of marijuana. It includes a proposed 10 percent tax rate for recreational marijuana.

Dion's bill is winding through the state legislature as two groups are organizing petition drives to get legalization on the ballot. A Marijuana Policy Project campaign and a push by Legalize Maine both seek to get the question on the 2016 ballot.

The Maine Association of Dispensary Operators supports Dion's bill. Group president Tim Smale says he hopes Dion's bill will get the question before voters in November....

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