Wasilla pulls back from tough new marijuana laws

WASILLA -- The “Smoothie Lady” can celebrate: Some of Alaska’s strictest municipal regulations on marijuana got rolled back Monday night in light of concerns that they could violate state law.

The Wasilla City Council voted 4-2 to remove a local prohibition on cooking marijuana edibles -- which includes everything from cannabis butter to brownies to smoothies -- in a home kitchen within city limits.

The council also removed a 2-ounce limit on the amount of pot that can legally be carried in one vehicle, a prohibition more rigorous than the 1-ounce per person, six-plant limit in state law.

Medical marijuana cardholder Kathy Smith told the council she eases the neuropathy from a brain cyst by throwing raw marijuana into her blender along with whatever fruit she has handy.

Before the vote, the self-proclaimed "Smoothie Lady" urged a removal of the manufacturing ban.

“It makes me feel like I’m ... a criminal in my own...

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