Study Finds Marijuana Increases Your IQ

Originally seen on Cannabis Culture| A study published in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, examined whether marijuana lowered intelligence levels in users. The study was largely ignored by US media, while within Canada, the results seemed to depend on which newspaper headline you read.

Most headlines about the study said something like “Potheads become dopes” (Toronto Sun) or “Pot does rot your brain” (Edmonton Sun). Yet a few papers reported the opposite, announcing that “Marijuana Doesn’t Make You A Dope” (Calgary Herald) or “Smoking Pot No Risk To IQ” (Globe & Mail).


That a single study could produce such conflicting headlines says more about the integrity of the media than it does about the study itself.

Here’s how the study was done: A group of young, middle-class adults was assembled, consisting of non-tokers, light pot smokers, and heavy users. Light users were those who smoked less than five joints a...

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