Canadian Centre for Addiction and Mental Health pushing for regulated marijuana legalization

The time has come for the Canadian government to legalize marijuana.

That's the stance championed by the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health through a policy statement on cannabis use released by the organization in the fall of 2014.

While the health risks associated with the use of cannabis products are impossible to ignore, CAMH says, the Toronto-based teaching hospital and research centre is calling for the legalization of the drug in Canada with strict regulations to control distribution.

"Legalization alone will not reduce the harms and health risks of cannabis, however, legalization is giving our governments and us as a society a chance to regulate cannabis," Dr. Juergen Rehm, director of social and epidemiological research at CAMH, stated in a video produced by the organization to support its policy document, released in October 2014.

According to CAMH, Canada has one of the highest rates of cannabis use in the...

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