The Heart and Soul Behind Hookahzz

Katrina Maloney: Hookahzz LLC

We guarantee you’ve met a more wholehearted person in your lifetime than this week’s entrepreneur. Her mission is to make a difference in the world and in her own way, she is certainly accomplishing that and much more! Her story is one of unwavering dedication, fearless learning, and a special kind of commitment to achieving her goals! Katrina Maloney, co-founder of Hookahzz is here to tell us about the coming of the new green era and how we can each better our own health!

What was the deciding factor for you to join this particular industry?

I can’t really pinpoint it to one particular factor; It was honestly just a gut feeling, an instinct, my destiny! I remember the day I learned about the industry as if it was yesterday. It really excited me. It’s like I found my true meaning of what...

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